Anime/Idol Song Structure

Japanese Pop songs have a similar song structure to Western Pop songs. However, Japanese Pop songs use different terms to describe the different parts of a song. Below is a list of each part of the song, and the wazas that are usually used during that part. The English equivalent terms are in the braces.

  • Intro
  • A-Melody / A-Melo (Verse)
    • OAD
    • Nihai Ohai
    • Soiya
  • B Melody/B-Melo (Pre-Chorus)
    • Rosario
    • Los Angeles
  • Sabi (Chorus)
    • Sabi Waza
  • Interlude
  • C-Melody / C-Melo (Bridge)
  • Outro

This is the general structure for many Japanese Pop songs. However, there are Japanese Pop songs that have more unique structures, which are more difficult to choreograph for but allow for more unique choreographies.