OAD (Over Action Dolphin)
OAD is a commonly used waza during the A-melo (Verse) of a song. One swing for OAD will take two beats to complete. This waza involves swinging arm and body movements, going from side to side. Please refer to the demonstration below.
Starting Stance
As with most wazas in wotagei, you will start in the standard wotagei stance. The first swing starts on your right and goes to the left. This can be seen in the image below.

Note the location of the hands are on the right side of the head. The right arm should be somewhere between horizontal or vertical.
For your first OAD, start by swinging your arms to the left. You want to keep your arms fully extended for the first beat of the swing. Note that your arms should swing across your body. The photo below shows the path that your arms should be taking during an OAD swing.

This swinging movement should only take one beat.
Ending “Snap”
For the second beat, you want to quickly snap your hands together. This creates a “V” with your arms, a little bit above and to the side of your head. Shown below is the movement your arms should make to complete the “snap”

After the snap your position should be similar to that as the initial position, except your arms are on the left side. The above is repeated, except going in the other direction.
A single OAD set consists of 6 swings of OAD, followed by Nihai Ohai, followed by 4 more swings of OAD and a Soiya/4 Thrusts. Nihai Ohai and Soiya/4 Thrusts will be discussed in later sections.
Important Points
When practicing OAD, you should pay attention to the following points.
- Your head should be looking straight ahead during each swing. From your perspective, the upper third of your vision should be covered with your hands (snapped together), and the other two-thirds should be a clear view ahead.
- Once your hands have snapped, your body should form a straight line from your armpit down to your leg. This line gives your OAD more power, resulting in a cleaner OAD. To obtain this straight line, your other knee slightly bends inwards. This point can be summarized in the photo below.

- There is a small pause right after the snap, before going into the next swing of OAD. This small pause emphasizes the light streaks, making the OAD look more sharp.
Final Result
Once putting the above points all together, it results in something similar to below.
This concludes the guide on OAD. Next up is Nihai Ohai, which is used immediately after OAD.