Further Research
Here are some search terms which can be used when searching for resources on Wotagei. To search for performances the following can be used:
(song name in Japanese) ヲタ芸
To search for specific wazas, the following can be used:
(waza name in Japanese) 技 ヲタ芸
To search for specific explanations of wazas, the following can be used:
(waza name in Japanese) 解説 ヲタ芸
Note that most waza do not have explanation videos. If you want to learn a waza without an explanation video, you have to slow down the video and deconstruct the waza.
General Terms
- ヲタ芸 (wotagei)
- 技連 (waza compilation)
- 技メドレー (waza medley, same as 技連 but less commonly used)
- 講座 (lesson)
- 解説 (explanation)
- 技単 (single waza)
A good way to find new wazas is to search the following on YouTube:
ヲタ芸 技連
Which will usually be a person doing many sabi wazas back to back. Usually there are names, but they are in Japanese most of the time.
Wotagei Team Names
See Groups.
Waza Names
Here is a list fo some waza names along with romanization/translations. They are not listed in any order.
- サンダースネーク (Thunder Snake)
- リバースサンダースネーク (Reverse Snake)
- アンドロメダ (Andromeda)
- レッドブル (Red Blue)
- 流星スネーク (Shooting Star Snake)
- ムラマサ (Muramasa)
- ムラマサ改 (Muramasa Kai)
- アマテラス (Amaterasu)
- アマテラス改 (Amaterasu)
- アマテラス害 (Amaterasu Gai)
- ドラグースピア (Dragon Spear)
- アーリークロス (Early Cross)
- 天翔 (Amakakeru)
- ジャックナイフ (Jack Knife)
- レクイエム (Requiem)
- スパークショット (Spark Shot)
- シュナイザー (Schneizer)
- カトリーナ (Katrina)
- ルーキーズ (Rookies)
- 神威 (Shin’i)
- イザナギ (Izanagi)
- クサナギ (Kusanagi)
- イザナミ (Izanami)
- スサノオ (Susanoo)
- ツクヨミ (Tsukuyomi)
- コトアマツカミ (Kotoamatsukami)
- 龍牙斬 (Rongazan)
- 不知火 (Shiranuhi)
- 烈火 (Rekka)
- 烈火改 (Rekka Kai)
- 烈マサ (Retsumasa)
- 烈スネ (Retsusune)
- 烈スピ (Retsusupi)
- チースニ (Chiisuni)
- ベルトコンベア (Conveyer belt)
- ファンタオレンジ (Orange Fanta)
- ウワバミ (Uwabami)
- シャオリー (Shaori)
- シャオリー改 (Shaori Kai)
- センターバレット (Center Ballet)
- 平等院鳳凰堂阿弥陀如来像 (Byoudouinhououdouamidanyoraizou)